Underground Service Locator | Underground Utility Locating Services
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For damage-prevention of underground utilities, we providing swift and accurate utility locating services to minimise risks and costs of damages of underground services including power, water mains, drainages, sewers and Telstra optic fibre services. All our underground utility locating jobs are performed by qualified and experienced professionals using the latest GSSI ground penetrating radar GPR and electromagnetic technologies mainly Radio detection, Ditch witch. Whether it’s tracing sewers or PVC conduits we use frequency tracing sonde techniques to locate everything and include it on your dial before you dig DBYD to Australian standards.


Utility Locating Services by Expert Professionals


Damage-prevention, incident-free working and minimise financial losses, risks of damaging underground services on your all building, earthworks and excavation projects.


How do our expert underground service locator carry out the process?


Our underground services locating procedure, marking and reporting is in accordance to accordance to AS5488-2013 Subsurface Engineering Standard.


Using the latest GSSI Ground penetrating Radar GPR and Electromagnetic technologies mainly Radio detection.


Profit, Safety and Risk Management


  • Personnel and equipment safety


  • Minimize risks, injuries and safety related incidents


  • Avoid service interruption, penalties and repair costs of damaged services


  • Reduce down-time


  • Work by excavation legislation


  • Knowing the risks aids better planning


Our underground services location procedure, marking and reporting is in accordance to accordance to AS5488-2013 Subsurface Engineering Standard. Depending on the risk management objectives / specifications, site location, depth and nature of targets, we utilise medium-to-low frequency (80-900 MHz frequency) Ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology to survey underground targets.

Electromagnetic Induction (E1MI)

Buried services may include metallic and non-metallic services including PVC conduits, Optical fibre lines etc.  Depending on size and depth of target, GPR may miss detection of PVC and small non-conductive objects. In addition to GPR, we utilise Electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques using a transmitter (Tx) / receiver (Rx), tracing wire rods, Sondes for active locating or passive locating of all services including: Live, dead, inactive, abandoned, metallic or non-conductive.


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