Ultrasonic Tomography - SiGeo Concrete
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Ultrasonic Tomography   

Ultrasonic pulse velocity and tomographic imaging technology is increasingly taking centre-stage as a very reliable non-destructive testing method in Concrete industry including quality verification of both in-situ cast and pre-cast concrete structural components (bridges, columns, engineered panels, ring-beams, foundation footings, stitches)

All our testing methodology, data processing and reporting conforms to: ASTM D5882-16, AS/NZS: 2159-2009 and AS/NZS: 2425:2015 industry standards legally recognised within Australia and internationally.

Multi-dimensional imaging options including: [2D/3D], [B-scan, C-Scan, D-Scan can be produced to maximise anomaly illumination and resolution. Results are presented relevant to objectives and finely interpreted for further engineering durability assessment or remediation planning.


Structural Auditing QA/QC

  • Quality evaluation for on-going construction projects or prior to purchasing)
  • Defect assessment (Cracks, Honey-combing, voiding, porosity, delamination in concrete)
  • Homogeneity of material
  • Litigation and dispute settlement (quality, uniformity, defect)
  • Forensic investigation (post-damage evaluation)
  • Strength or modulus of material


Depending on the specification, we conduct data acquisition and data processing in accordance to EN12504-4 (Europe), ASTM C 597-02 (North America), BS 1881 Part 203 (UK), standard procedures, for evaluating Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity tomography testing on concrete structures through B-scans, C-scans for further engineering analysis.

Data Processing

Line Scan

Pulse velocity Analysis

Image processing

Compressive Strength (UPV Correlation)

Filtering & Deconvolution

Defect Assessment

Grading “Quality of Concrete”



Based on UPV velocity and range interpretations, concrete quality and uniformity can be graded as below:



  • Velocity >4.5 Km/sec (Good quality)
  • 4.5 Km/sec<Velocity >2.5Km/sec (Medium quality)
  • Velocity < 2.5 Km/sec (Doubtable quality)

Uniformity Quality 



Using the range (as difference between maximum and minimum), uniformity of quality can be classified as below:



  • Velocity range <0.5 Km/sec (Uniform quality)
  • Velocity range >0.5 Km/sec (Doubtable quality
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