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Solve Honey Combing

Defects in new and old concrete structures such as honey-combing, voiding, porosity and delamination degrade structural strength and durability. However, unlike surface defects that may be externally visible, internal defects are not easily visible, worse still, in both cases the size, depth extent and nature of defect needs to be precisely known for effective remediation.


Defect Assessment & Quality Monitoring


  • Locate defects and extent


  • Quality verification on concrete works


  • Reliable diagnosis = Effective remediation


  • Post-Remediation Auditing


In accordance to industry standards methods and procedures (including AS/NZS: 2425:2015, ASTM D6432, ASTM D6431 – 99(2010), ASTM D6087 – 08(2015, we utilise multi-dimensional [2D/3D], [B-scan, C-Scan, D-Scan] high-resolution imaging techniques using high-frequency pulse radar (GPR) and Ultrasonic tomography technology to image through concrete and masonry.

Depending on the job requirements, specialised depth-slicing image processing techniques can be further applied to accurately locate, characterise and assess both depth and lateral extents of defects.

Repair evaluation


Using above structural imaging technologies, we can compare images before and after remediation either visually or using specialised image cross-correlation algorithms to quantify improvement and high-light residual defects.


Concrete repair 


In case of internal voids, honey combing or severe inhomogeneities in concrete, multi-dimensional Tomographic depth-slicing techniques offer clear visualisation, locating and characterisation of defects, hence suitable plan of repair.

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