Engineering Geophysics - SiGeo Concrete
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Engineering Geophysics

Today’s projects are awarded based on: Production-rates, Quality of work and Efficiency. This is mainly dependent on technical capacity and Equipment or technological ability to surpass the competition. However, many companies are barely keeping up and investing in such new technologies to sustain the competition is a huge budgetary hurdle. In that situation YOUR SOLUTION MAY BE EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL RENTAL

Methods and Technologies


  • 2D/ 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), including Crosshole, Borehole-Land arrays
  • 1D Resistivity (Vertical Electrical Sounding)
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Shallow and deep (+50m) applications
  • Engineering Seismics (Refraction, Small Reflection surveys, Multichannel Analysis of Surface waves MASW)
  • Risk management Underground Services Locators (Electromagnetic Induction)

Structural Assessment Concrete (NDT).


  • Concrete Ultrasonic Tomography (UT) arrays
  • High-frequency pulse radar (Concrete GPR)
  • Pile Integrity Testers
  • Cross-hole Sonic Logging

We understand the processes and needs, in addition to equipment hire we can provide technical support in:


  • Designing Surveys and Due diligence,
  • Geophysical Data processing and interpretation,
  • Professional Reporting to industry standards.


It is such comprehensive support you need to deliver your project successfully on time and budget, without paying exorbitant consultancy rates.

Depending of the job requirements and operator, we provide a variety of systems locally and through an international network. All our equipment and cables undergo pre-despatch testing to ensure guaranteed performance and avoid down-time in the field.



STRATAIMAGING is maintains active membership with a number of professional organizations: The Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS), The Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG), Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG), American Geophysical Union (AGU), American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Australian Institute of Non-destructive Testing (AINDT)

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