Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Surveys - SiGeo Concrete
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Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Surveys

Today infrastructural development projects (land and marine) are increasingly requiring either preliminary or detailed site investigations / appraisals for ground condition assessment or geohazard risk analysis in areas of known or unknown geology. Depending on the investigation objectives, we offer high-resolution multi-dimensional (2D/3D) Electrical resistivity tomography imaging in conformity to ASTM D6431-99(2010) and BS: 5930:1999 standards on ground, marine and borehole environment using the latest automated multi-electrode systems, survey design and data processing techniques.


  • Depth-to-Bedrock mapping for Structural foundation design on land and marine


  • Mapping of buried infrastructure (shafts, tunnels, vaults, tanks etc)


  • Lithological definition and Stratigraphic profiling


  • Mapping Fractures and faults as leakage / failure defects especially for dams and roads


  • Mapping Swelling / shrinking clays in persistent road failures


  • Conductivity and resistivity mapping for environmental investigations including chemical seepage, contaminate plume mapping


  • Groundwater exploration for production and environmental monitoring.


In accordance to ASTM D6431-99(2010) and BS: 5930:1999 working standards, our survey design, field data acquisition, data processing procedures and interpretation /reporting structure meets industry standards.

Depending on the project objectives, desired degree of accuracy and budget, we interactively design surveys using forward modelling techniques to realistic field conditions, which logically optimises favourable field acquisition parameters to deliver the best resolution and depth-of-investigation possible, timely, on budget.


Data Processing and Interpretation

All data processing and interpretation is done in-house by qualified geophysicists using industry recognized software’s namely (RES2D/3DINV, EarthIMAGER 1D, 2D, 3D).


Clear presentation

Results are presented in finely interpreted formats clearly understandable to Engineers and non-geophysicists.

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