Geophysical Consulting | Structural Assessment Contractors
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Crosshole sonic logging on site
Structural Assessment
Concrete Scanning

We offer high-resolution 2D/3D imaging of concrete structures (Slabs, beams, columns, walls etc.)

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Concrete Scanning
Risk Management

Work safely, avoid incidents, injuries and fatalities. Avoid unexpected penalty in damaged services and repair costs. Avoid service interruption

reinforcement corrosion mapping
structural condition assessment

Foundation Auditing

  • Crosshole Sonic Logging
  • Crosshole Tomography
  • Sonic Echo
  • Parallel Seismic
  • Ground Penetrating Radar


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Engineering Geophysics
Latest Technologies

Our team of experts are trained in the latest methods and technologies. To ensure our projects are done to the highest levels of professionalism

concrete scanning
pile testing
Underground Services Location
Satisfied Customers

Get a better picture. Minimize Risk. Accurately characterize of defect, depth and lateral location. Detect uncured or weak concrete. Lithology and velocities of medium

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Fill out the form below to download our Hire Equipment Catalogue.



    We provide specialised structural assessment, concrete scanning, structural audit of slabs, bridges, piles and foundations in earth or marine environment services. A range of radar and ultrasonic engineering geophysical 2D/3D imaging techniques practised to diagnose concrete structural problems and design sound remediation solutions.


    We deploy qualified and experienced geophysicists with the ability to blend geophysical imaging methods Ground penetrating Radar GPR, X-rays, Pile integrity testing PIT, Sonic and Ultrasonic tomography to image defects or Quality control on both new structural projects, up-grades and renovations.  All data and results are processed to industry geophysical consulting standards and presented uncompromisingly in a professional manner that prioritises accuracy, transparency and integrity.

    concrete repair

    Thorough Structural Assessment


    Our Structural Assessment services also covers in-progress construction projects, renovations and structural durability aspects including Concrete strength testing , MPa tests, Reinforcement corrosion, as considerable factors before property purchasing, investing and insuring.


    Ground penetrating radar


    Our wide range of equipment frequencies offers broader investigation from engineering geophysics, underground services locating, structural assessment to environmental solutions including contaminant mapping, sinkholes, earthworks audits to forensic investigations using low- to-high frequency ground penetrating radar.

    Trusted Geophysical Contractors


    Our investigations and assessments are based on our years of experience and we strive to extend the best possible experience to our clients. As assessment specialists, we can offer a complete range of solutions and have the knowhow to deal with the most complex and challenging assessment requirements.


    We understand no two problems are the same! Call us today….we enjoy discussing projects.

    Crosshole sonic logging
    Contact Us