Effective remediation of concrete structures is highly dependent on accurate diagnosis and characterisation of defects especially, depth / lateral extent of visibly external and hidden defects including: voiding, honey-combing, delamination, cracks, concrete inhomogeneities).
In accordance to industry standards methods and procedures (including AS/NZS: 2425:2015, ASTM D6432, ASTM D6431 – 99(2010), ASTM D6087 – 08(2015, we utilise multi-dimensional [2D/3D], [B-scan, C-Scan, D-Scan] high-resolution imaging techniques using high-frequency pulse radar (GPR) and Ultrasonic tomography technology to image through concrete and masonry.
Depending on the job requirements, specialised depth-slicing image processing techniques can be further applied to accurately locate, characterise and assess both depth and lateral extents of defects.
Depending on the specification, we conduct data acquisition, processing and reporting in accordance to: AS/NZS: 2425:2015, ASTM D6087 and ASTM D6432 standard procedures, for evaluating asphalt, concrete bridge structures.
Reporting is standardised, and results are presented in finely interpreted format for further engineering analysis.